jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

The Rukopashney Boj Berserk System

The Rukopashney Boj Berserk (RBB) is a russian traditional hand to hand combat system developed by Master Serguei Malakhov and Nikita Boltruchek. This combat system is based in on the ancient slavic martial arts and knowledge of the elite russian special forces SPETSNAZ.
"Rukopashney Boj" means combat hand to hand or body to body.
"Berserk": viking elite warrior whose special ability is to wage battle in a state of altered consciousness and being ambidextrous.
The style be described as totalitarian combat, purely offensive giving no chance to make the enemy attacks. In the beginners level defense method are studied but at the advance level working for the attacks.
Wait for the opponent attack and then apply the defense and the counter attack is equal to understimate the danger and the enemy. Is very important change the emotional state of "the victim" to predator, attacking with "cold fury". We defend our selves by attacking, negating the chances of the opponent to cause damage. We must apply a method or all at once, overloading the enemy´s central nervous system. The estimated time to resolve the situation is five seconds for each adversary.
RBB is a cutting-edge combat system that is the live essence of the russian tradition.
RBB does not represent and is not a branch of other combat systems. His expression is manifested with great versatility and originality. Their origin and destination come together in a harmonious, experimental and individual development proposal for the person who practices.

Master Serguei Malakhov is former SPETSNAZ GRU officer and a degree in criminology. He have 25 years of experience in martial arts and military training. As a result of all his knowledge and experience as a soldier in the russian elite special forces, he has developed the Rukopashney Boj Berserk combat system.

 Master Nikita Boltruchek is disciple of Serguei Malakhov , expert in other russian martial arts like Izvor, former champion of Muay Thai and have many years of experiencie in urban personal defense and tactic military combat. Currently is the head instructor of Rukopashney Boj Berserk Academy based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

                                       (Regular training in Rukopashney Boj Berserk Academy)


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